We've been busy working on Marrying Mr. Darcy and getting it ready for the printer. Now we are basically just waiting for the proofs to come back to us so we can fix any issues that come up.
In other news, you can now pre-order Marrying Mr. Darcy and the Undead Expansion Pack from Game Salute, a game distributor for small indie games. They will be distributing Marrying Mr. Darcy to game stores next year once the games arrive. While the game won't be released until this spring, you can pre-order your copy now! Happy CyberMonday! Pre-order Marrying Mr. Darcy HERE Pre-order the Undead Expansion Pack HERE
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One of my Kickstarter stretch goals is that I would create a reference guide that explains the references in Marrying Mr. Darcy and tells you where the inspiration for each card comes from in the story. I started working on it this week. I'm not sure what the final guide will look like, but here is a sample of intended content.
The Kickstarter campaign for Marrying Mr. Darcy - the Pride and Prejudice Card Game has picked up in the past few days. The stretch goal for the Undead Expansion Pack was reached in record time! The expansion pack will consist of approximately 20 new cards that include undead suitors, becoming cursed, cures for the wounded, battle axes for protection and serious consequences for both the dead and the living at the end of the game.
You can check out our work in progress below. Be sure to check out our Kickstarter campaign in the next few days if you want a copy! A father & son review team did a review of Marrying Mr. Darcy. They are called "A Dad, a Son, and a Game." I have to admit that 8 year old Luke is my favorite reviewer. His fake cry is something to behold. There is a game demo at the start, and then the review begins at 8:40. I'll be posting more reviews as we have had a couple done, but I think these two really understood what I was going for. ![]() I haven't updated this blog in a little while, mostly because I've been trying to direct all of my traffic to my Kickstarter page for the duration of the campaign! But I posted a major update on that site yesterday and thought it would be good to update here with general news and our new stretch goals! We are almost at the halfway point in the campaign and doing splendidly! We are now well over 500 backers. I thought it would be a good time to announce our stretch goals to keep the momentum going through our final 2 weeks. Please continue to share our news with friends, Janeites, and gamers on social media to help us reach the awesome stretch goals briefly outlined below! $20,000: We will develop an Undead Expansion Pack for those folks who enjoy zombie-like creatures! (This will not change the original game at all, simply a fun, optional addition.) $25,000: We will open a reward tier that adds a paperback edition of "Pride and Prejudice" with annotation and forward by Erika and original cover art by Erik Evensen. $30,000: We will do a print run of our Undead Expansion Pack and include it free of charge for all backers who want it and pledge at the $30 reward tier or higher. $40,000: Over the next year, we will create a version of the game based on Jane Austen's "Emma." All backers will have the option to beta-test the game. There are more details about each of these levels on our kickstarter page. You can read about them here: kck.st/16bwNlg We've got more coming up including game reviews, interviews, and are going to keep the momentum up through this middle part of the campaign. Thanks for all your support and keep spreading the word! Best, Erika. We just launched our kickstarter page! You can help by donating or spreading the word on social media. Check us out on Kickstarter!
![]() I spent a lot of time yesterday shooting and editing footage for my kickstarter pitch video. I had previously made a "How to Play" video and was able to reuse a lot of the same footage. I have watched a lot of different pitch videos and have my own opinions on what makes a good one: 1. Don't make it too long. I made mine 2 1/2 minutes. Anything over 3 minutes feels too long to me. 2. Make it good. I appreciate videos where clearly some time was taken to make something of quality that reflects the care that you are putting into the project. 3. Don't make it too good. I feel like a lot of pitches are almost too professional. They miss that Do-It-Yourself quality that makes kickstarter so great. Whenever I see something that is too flashy or clearly professionally shot I feel like I'm giving my money to a company and not a person. 4. Be in the video. I personally like seeing the person who I'm donating to. Adds a human factor. 5. Put some cool music in there. This really adds something in my opinion. However, you have to be careful that you use music that is legally free to use. I found something at www.musopen.org, but there are other sites as well. Also, be sure to credit the composer, performer, and source somewhere in your video. 6. Don't sit on your butt- get the damn thing done. I have trouble with this. I love to research stuff and could probably research various aspects of a kickstarter campaign to death. I've been talking up this campaign on social media for a couple months now, and I am really at the point where I need to launch or I will be forgotten. I think a lot of people get stuck at this point. Anyway, those are my thoughts. Keep in mind that this is my first pitch video and I don't actually know what I'm doing. I guess we will find out if my theories are correct! If Marrying Mr. Darcy (a game about Pride and Prejudice) sounds like your cup of tea, you can visit us at www.marryingmrdarcy.com. ![]() Pride and Prejudice is full of events that progress the plot and character development. The biggest turning point (in my opinion) is when Elizabeth reads a letter from Mr. Darcy after she has rejected his proposal. This is the big turning point in the book where Lizzy’s opinion of Darcy begins to change, but also the point where she discovers that she is quick to judge and these judgements are not always accurate. She later says to Jane something like “I did not know myself.” I wanted to put this kind of discovery in the game. I ended up making the event card above that basically forces you to change how you have been building your character. If you get this card early in the game, it is more advantageous because you will likely only be discarding one or two cards and gaining four, plus you have time to make adjustments before the end of the game. However, the later you get this card in the game, the more devastating it can potentially be as the strategy you’ve been employing up to that point may need to change. I think this makes sense of the book. Elizabeth can't move forward until she knows this about herself, it is initially devastating. But because she discovers this before she goes to Pemberley she is able to move forward with Darcy. If she hadn't discovered this by the middle of the book, things would have turned out quite differently! Please help us spread the word about "Marrying Mr. Darcy" by sharing our site via your social media! We are h Hey Everyone! I made this video tutorial over the weekend. Check it out if you are interested in learning more about the game or how to play! My talented husband Erik Evensen (erik-evensen.com) drew this original art for the Heroine and Suitor cards for "Marrying Mr. Darcy." He loosely based some of the characters off of various film/tv/web adaptations of Pride and Prejudice, but not so much we need to ask permission of the actors.
These were sketched in pencil and then inked. Digital colors were eventually added for the final version to be printed on the cards. If you'd like to stay up to date with announcements about "Marrying Mr. Darcy" be sure to fill out our contact form or follow us on Facebook, Tumblr, or Twitter! |
Erika SvanoeMusician, conductor and game designer. Archives
November 2015